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Networking & Wine Events” founded in July 2010, is an ongoing series of networking business events open to any small to medium-sized business, in order to connect and network between the various businesses in a pleasant atmosphere and with added value.
In these meetings, many productive collaboration deals were formed and new, powerful business circles were formed which Kineret guides regularly. Currently, the meet-ups have expanded to the UK and the US to connect Israeli businesses and businesses abroad

Netwotking and wine

We offer a variety of events to join (at the moment in Israel only) or contact us to order a networking event, a lecture, a workshop, etc. for your company or your conference.

Since 2010, we have had the pleasure of seeing profitable business connections, and successful collaborations and getting to know so many quality business owners throughout the years.
Wine is our philosophy - in a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere, the business is successful and successful!!


Kineret Aizenberg is a business development consultant, who accompanies small and medium businesses, as an integral part of the escort, emphasizes and teaches the importance of business networking at every stage of the business's life.

Kineret lectures on networking in conferences and organizations in the business and social fields, and with a vision to assimilate networking as a constant activity in the marketing 

In 2021 published her first book: Networking - How to Build Your Social Network from Home, soon to be published in English.

Kineret Aizenberg
What do we offer

Networking workshop - In this workshop, you will learn a detailed results-oriented methodology to expand the business network by various approaches, in order to get more clients and business collaborations.

Networking at Conferences and Trade Shows - The service we offer is intended for organizers of conferences and trade shows worldwide.

Business Speed Networking - The nature of the event and the time provided create quality references and many successful collaborations.

Young Networking - Through networking, teens learn practical tools to help them develop their social skills and strengthen their ability to speak fluently in personal conversations and in public.

Our vision is to be a leading networking company to teach this skill to youth, in conferences, and for business owners starting their way in the business world. 

Our Philosophy - When you enjoy networking, business is better and more successful.

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