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Lectures & Workshops.

The lectures and workshops fit business owners at any stage they may be in their business, from businesses just starting out, and freelancers, to small and medium-sized businesses already in operation.

The purpose of the lectures is to promote and develop business thinking in new directions coupled with guidance to a more thorough understanding of target audiences, as well as matching the business to client needs and building a long-lasting


Each topic can be presented in an interactive workshop with the participants.
The workshops will be tailored towards the number of participants and the business branch of the participants.

Networking – Building Business Networks

In a world where competition is high in all fields, the network of connections protects you and allows you to reach the places and goals you have set.
This possibility exists thanks to the contacts accumulated over the years on the one hand and new people they meet all the time on the other.

Networking activity allows everyone at any stage of life to create a network of connections that will work for any goal, anywhere.

Acquaintance during the various stages of life (studies, career, place of residence, etc.) is based on the continuity of the relationship and finding additional common denominators to the one where the acquaintance began. Every connection can be leveraged for the benefit of our goals and those of our environment.


In the lecture:

- Introducing the concept of networking and the unwritten rules

- The importance of networking and what the possibilities are thanks to the activity
- How to build a network of connections and how to maintain it

- Building an impressive and memorable self-presentation

- Networking as a tool for self-marketing

- Continuity and actions to increase the network

- Tips for working on social networks


Marketing Strategies
Each business has its own unique approach and qualities that stand out which allow it to both draw and retain clients for the long term. After examining the strengths of the business we will learn how to plan the marketing strategies in various platforms given the allocated budget. We will examine the marketing options that are available and how to leverage the business strengths to create more effective marketing efforts. The marketing mix may include networking, social media, word of mouth, conferences, and more.
We will examine the toolset that must be prepared in order to accomplish more effective marketing for the different platforms and provide recommended time allocation to each utilized option

Business Appearance – From Letterhead to Tie
The appearance of the product, when in most cases it is the business owner himself or herself, is very important. Most clients buy based on appearance, and only afterward the content and professionalism are examined. Also, due to the fact customers tend to identify with the service provider visually, the right appearance and the message we convey to the outside world is one of our top priorities.
Just as important is the written appearance, how to hand business documents and proposals to our clients – guidance and recommendations will be provided on creating a document that markets your business well out of every document that is handed to a potential client or colleague for collaboration.

Big Cat with Bandana
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